LIPOSUCTION operation in turkey


2.325 GBP€

Liposuction is a surgical technique that consists on removing the excessive fat in the body with the help of an aspiration cannula inserted into the body and through small incisions. The same aims at eliminating localized fat that we cannot get rid of by means of a diet or physical exercise, and independently of the fact that the patient is in his/her ideal weight. It is not about, in any case, a procedure to lose weight.

Recently, laser technology has begun to be implemented as a tool of liposuctions. Thanks to the laser we manage to get the fat melted and thus to facilitate its extraction. This is also useful to achieve greater firmness in the skin.

In addition, this new technology enables the surgeon to safely remove fat in places where it was not previously possible or previous techniques were not as efficient in the past (such as the cheeks, upper arms, knee or ankles). Aesthetic results of laser liposuction are also better than the ones of a classical liposuction, the most effective being those that combine two or more wavelengths in the same extractor device.


  • Surgery lasts between 1 and 5 hours, depending on the amount of fat to be extracted
  • Local anesthesia is usually used with sedation, although in more complex cases general anesthesia may be required
  • Patient will remain admitted for a day in the hospital
  • Usually, stitches removal is not necessary
  • After the operation, bruises or edemas may appear for a few weeks
  • A four-day stay in Turkey is enough
  • Patients must use to a special corset for 3 weeks
  • During the post-operative period it is advisable to use the LPG or external massage devices for several sessions once the first month of the post-operative period is gone
  • Results will get visible in 2 months
  • Sciton® ProlipoPlus 1064nm – 1319nm laser technology will be used


Liposuction is a surgical technique that enables fat removal in specific areas using some sort of special suction vacuum or mouthpiece. It is not, in any case, a surgery to lose weight but rather an intervention aiming at correcting patient’s shape.  With this surgery, accumulated fat that could not disappear with a diet or exercise is removed from the body.
The incision of this type of interventions is done just a few millimeters around the extraction area. Once done, a 2-6mm diameter tube called a cannula is placed and inserted into the subcutaneous region of the incision. The cannula is connected to a suction device with a clear hose.
Then the aspirator is activated and the cannula proceeds to remove the excess of fat. In addition to this technique, a new technique that uses ultrasound was added in recent years. In this method, the excess of fat gets diluted as a result of the impact of the waves and subsequently extracted.
In cases where there is accumulated fat in deeper layers than those in which liposuction works, surface liposuction or liposculpture can be used as these are able to extract fat deposits and to shape irregular contours. It is important to emphasize that the liposculpture technique is one of the methods that delivers the best results when it comes to eliminating flaccid skin and persistent cellulite.
Unlike what used to happen some time ago with classical liposuction, which used to require long and hard interventions, new techniques, much less invasive, have made this intervention one of the safest and most effective.
Thanks to these, it is possible to get the contour of all types of patients molded and in the best hospital conditions. It should be noted that those patients who suffer morbid obesity will face greater risks during the operation being able to remove up to a maximum of 28 litres of fat in a single session.


The operation is always carried out under the supervision of an anesthesiologist and all the medical equipment in an operating room under the conditions established by the hospital.
In total, the aspiration surgery lasts between 1 and 5 hours, depending on the amount and the area of the body over to be extracted.
Incision is usually shallow and 1 or 2 sutures with thread are made. Depending on the complexity of the intervention, the patient may leave the hospital the very same day or 24 hours after the operation.


Normally, one week after the intervention patient can get back to normal life. It is rare that pains happen and when they do, they are eased with low intensity using medicines.

Once the surgery is finished, a special bandage is placed in the aspirated area and the patient is covered with a corset that should be left for about 5 or 6 weeks. Although it is unusual, bruises, some inflammation and a burning sensation (that will spontaneously go away) may appear.

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